401st Bomb Group (H) Association
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2/14/2011 1:34:31 PM
At the 2010 401st Bomb Group Reunion I displayed a new book Elwood’s War written by Loraine A. Koski. The book covers Elwood’s induction into the service and
basic training and it continues through his training bases at Ft. Sheridan, Ft. Monmouth, Buckley Field, Lincoln Army Air Base, Ardmore Army Air Field and Kearney Army Air Field. There are many letters from Elwood in the book and letters from the Department of Defense are also included. Since I was not born until 1948 this book gave me some indication of what their day to day routines were and what they were training for. I highly recommend this book for those who want to have
some kind of an account of what they went through during this time period. If you’d like to purchase a copy of Elwood’s War contact:
Loraine A. Koski • 423 N. Front St. Apt. E • Marquette, MI
49855-3551 • Phone: Evenings & Weekends (906)228-
9613 • Email:

Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.

2/15/2011 2:41:18 AM
Sounds good Don! Thx for sharing.

Josie 🙂