Paul Bellamy
5/20/2008 5:41:52 PM | I'm trying to locate the precise aiming point for Mission 144: "Grosbeck" (Groesbeek, near Nijmegen in the Netherlands ) 17th September 1944. According to R Grilley, who was the Navigator for one of the lead ships on the mission (all four squadrons flew this mission, each supplying two flights of six aircraft over the target), the route out was: Deenethorpe (UK) Felixstowe (UK) Overflakkee (NL) Hedel (NL) all checked by continuous GEE fixes. From the IP at Hedel the target was 27 miles on a bearing of 92 degrees (compass heading 106 degrees, minus 14 degrees regional variation), but he also states the target was 7 miles SW of Groesbeek, as the nearest town. Now, the woods immediately SW of Groesbeek are 27 miles from Hedel, but not on a bearing on 92'. A plot of woods 7 miles SW of Groesbeek show a couple which could match the target view, but they would be well south the course. So.... does anyone have a copy of either the air-recce photos provided to Mr Grilley and others at the mission briefing, or even better the strike photos? I could then match them up with known locations, thus fixing the actual target to the map. Mr Grilley and the whole crew were awarded the DFC for accuracy on this mission, and were commended by Col. Bowman for the same, so the records must be somewhere in the archives. If anyone can help, please let me know. All the best, Paul
Paul Bellamy  |