401st Bomb Group (H) Association
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2/23/2007 8:44:18 PM
Need 401BG Radiomen's help:
1. I'm looking for a copy of this Class Book (to copy: scan/.pdf/.jpeg). I would be glad to pay for the copy production (or do it here, book owner's choice).
2. This 11-20-43 Book's center section of Class Graduates' photos has the heading code '3CALL7PTR5'. (This was my Uncle's class, S/Sgt. J.T. Dorris, Radioman, 613Sq. 1st.Lt. A.J. Nelson Crew, all KIA 10-7-44.)
3. The copy is for my own (family) records and copy several (Radiomen and Sioux Falls AAF related) Websites to help other 'searchers' and emerging Sioux Falls AAF history collection efforts.
4. No one seems to know what the photo page 'code' means, and books for some classes have no 'code'. The Class Book I have (purchased) has the code '3K7L2S5PT6'. There's no Class number or date in it.
5. Note:
- - If you're looking for a Radioman's photo, I'd be glad to check my book for the name and give you other Web locations of Books to check; and
- - If you know the Class number and/or Date for my book (code '3K7L2S5PT6'), please let me know.
Thank you, and hope to hear from you soon.


3/11/2008 5:01:39 PM
1. I've answered my own questions over time and would like to pass-along that
2. Several Sioux Falls Radio School Class Books, with graduates' photos/names are posted on http://www.aafcollection.info> South Dakota> Sioux Falls.