401st Bomb Group (H) Association
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Penny Woodward
11/20/2004 2:00:48 PM
  My mother's brother J.J. Hannon was co-pilot on a mission to Gorenflos #42-31374, which went down in France on 13 March 1944.  I am looking for any information relating to him, his fellow crew members, and the mission itself.  I am in San Antonio, TX.  He has 1 surviving brother, 3 sisters, & numerous other family members anxious to learn from those with whom he served. I have c/p from this website the list of the crew on the aircraft "The Nasty Habit", which was the only one of the 23 which did not return on that day.  Please contact me........
Respectfully, Penny Woodward

Crew Members
    Pilot 2nd Lt  G.J.  Hellmuth       KIA      
    Copilot 2nd Lt  J.J.  Hannon       KIA      
    Navigator 2nd Lt  J.A.  Coventry       POW      
    Bombardier 2nd Lt  R.E.  Gibson       POW      
    Radio Operator T/Sgt  R.F.  Wager       KIA      
    Engr / Top Turret T/Sgt  J.M.  Bailey       POW      
    Ball Turret Gunner Sgt  G.F.  Brandt       KIA      
    Tail Gunner S/Sgt  M.F.  De Vito       POW      
    Left Waist Gunner S/Sgt  R.W.  Moore       POW      
    Right Waist Gunner Sgt  F.G.  Allen       KIA

Graham Bratley
11/20/2004 4:19:19 PM
I am amember of the 401st Historical Group based in England. I have rescearched the reference documents I have and found the following information which I hope will interest you.The aircraft was hit by flak underneath the number 3 engine and crashed near Amiens, France. S/sgt MF Devito was caught by the French Police at Flixecourt. 2nd Lt. JA Coventry was caught by 67 Army headquarters Regement{German}in the North part of Amiens.2nd Lt RE Gibson was caught at St.Quen, 20 kilometresNW of Amiens and S/sgtRW Moore wascaught at St. Quen by a mobile anti aircraft battery.
11/20/2004 6:24:33 PM
Peny, if you will send me your E-mail address  I will send names and addresses of two of that crew who are listed on our 401 Assoc. Roster. LAMaggie091@aol.com
L.A. Mitchell
11/21/2004 7:28:09 PM
  Penny. Plese resend addresses...they were deleted in error.Regrets  LAMaggie091@aol.com