401st Bomb Group (H) Association
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General Posts #237


3/15/2010 2:52:06 PM
Hey gang,

Just been looking at the gallery and group photo 65476Ac looks to me like it was taken in front of buildings 97, 98 which is roughly where the sports flying club is now. Anyone out there got any idea who this group is ‽ I should dearly like to know 🙂

All the best


improvise, adapt, overcome
Paul Bellamy

3/15/2010 3:35:16 PM
Photo 65476AC is of the 615th's Engineering Section in August 1944.
In the background, facing north, are indeed buildings 97 and 98, with Hangar 2 on the right:

For a view of the same buildings from the other end, here's a picture of Captain Gerald Blumenthal, Base Radio Maintenance Officer and the 615th Bomb Squadron Communications Officer.
That would probably explain the large antenna on the roof of building 97 in the first photo:

All the best,

Paul Bellamy