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General Posts #316


3/11/2009 4:47:18 PM
I have a power point with some color photos of assembling B-17s, ground photos, and aerial scenes. All great stuff for your collection, but how do you attach a file to these posts?


3/11/2009 6:42:20 PM
Paul is the one that can really answer that question, but I think it goes a little like this. You have to have a place to upload that picture too and there are free sites out their for doing that. Then when you post something you have a list of options on the top row which include the Quote Code and IMG in the middle of that bracket you put the URL of where the picture is and it should show up.

I looked it up he uses http://photobucket.com/ having an account with them so he could upload those pictures to it.

I look forward to seeing what you have. You could also send them to me via email.


Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.

3/11/2009 11:17:51 PM
The images are stored in PowerPoint; the image tag won't work here. He either needs to extract the images to use the img tag or post a link the PowerPoint, itself.

If you can't do the latter, Elmer's Tune, let me know. I can do it for you.