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Page History: Winograd, Alfred A. - 1st Lt

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Service during the War

1st LT Alfred Winograd enlisted on December 8th, 1941, the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He volunteered for the Army Airforce and was eventually assigned to the 8th Airforce, 401st Bombarment Group, and was stationed at Bassingborn, England. He was a navigatior and Mickey (Radar) operator and as such was almost always in a lead or deptuy lead position on missions in a "Pathfinder" B-17 equiped with specialzed equipment that, when necesaary, allowed bombing when the targets were completely invisible due to cloud cover (Blind Bombing). He was awarded 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses (which was given to individuals who distinguised themselves by heroism or extraordianry achievement in combat aerial flight), 2 Air Medals (for meritorious achievement in combat aerial flight), as well an numerous other medals and citations.

Recorded Missions

Alfred's missions are documented here.

1. May 7, 1944 - Berlin, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
2. May 8, 1944 - Berlin, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
3. May 12, 1944 - Mersburg,GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
4. May 19, 1944 - Berlin, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
5. May 24, 1944 - Berlin, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
6. June 6, 1944 - Larivierra, FR - Fith Task Force Lead
7. June 19, 1944 - Bordeux, FR - 94th Combat Wing Lead
8. June 28, 1944 - Loan-Couvron,FR - 94th Combat Wing Lead
9. July 6, 1944 - Relly, FR - 94th Combat Wing Lead
10. July 7, 1944 - Leipzig, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
11. July 18, 1944 - Peenemunde, GY - 94th Combat Wing Lead (Awarded DFC)
12. July 28, 1944 - Merseburg, GY - 94th Combat Wing Lead
13. July 31, 1944 - Munich, GY - 94th Combat Wing Lead
14. Aug 5, 1944 - Nienbirg, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
15. Aug 6, 1944 - Genshagen, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
16. Aug 13, 1944 - Elbeuf, FR - 94th Combat Wing Lead
17. Aug 27, 1944 - Berlin, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
18. Sept 3, 1944 - Ledwigshaven,GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
19. Sept 11, 1944 - Merseburg, GY - 94th Combat Wing Lead
20. Sept 22, 1944 - Kassel, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
21. Sept 25, 1944 - Frankfurt, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
22. Oct 3, 1944 - Nurenburg, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
23. Oct 14, 1944 - Cologne, Gy - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
24. Oct 19, 1944 - Manheim, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
25. Oct 22, 1944 - Hanover, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
26. Oct 26, 1944 - Bielefeld, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
27. Oct 28, 1944 - Munster, GY - 94th Combat Wing Deputy Lead
28. Nov 2, 1944 - Merseburg, GY - 94th Combat Wing Lead
29. Nov 4, 1944 - Hamburg, GY - 8th Airforce Lead