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{s:TopicNav|Getting a crew picture posted here?|ForumOld.T0002|ForumOld.T3182|ForumOld.T3208|ForumOld.MainPage|ForumOld.T3217|ForumOld.T3313|ForumOld.T3755} {| class='ForumTopics' ! Posted By !! Comments |- | '''Jim Haire''' <br/>5/7/2009 3:19:35 PM | I have a copy of a picture of my dad's crew (401st / 615th) that I've been trying for a long time to get posted here on this website. Then the forum and website changed, and after many attempts with the other website that used to open at this link, I'm back to sending by email an attached copy and the crew information to every address listed with this website <nowiki>--</nowiki> from historian to webmaster. And STILL no posting of the picture! What gives? The pic I'm trying to get posted is of W.E. Johnson's crew (taken stateside); the plane, if it had lasted longer, would've had the name painted on the nosecone of "Sweet Slumber." I received that info from the last surviving crew member, Ken Powell. The only original picture that I have access to is one from my recently deceased aunt, which is in worse shape than the copy of the original that I have. But, either way, I'm determined to get a picture of this crew posted here on this site. Could someone help me please? Thanks.<br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>5/7/2009 3:38:18 PM | I also have tried all means at this time to get your picture posted.<br/> <br/> This site actually was suppose to go away and a WIKI site appeared for awhile. It is my understanding we are waiting to hear what is going to happen to either website and what will be the outcome of it all. That is the best information I can give you at this time.<br/> <br/> Don Byers<br/> |- | '''Jim Haire''' <br/>5/7/2009 10:00:53 PM | Getting one picture posted on either website would be a relief to me right now. I really enjoy the picture gallery section of this website, but really like the forum of the other website better; the format of it. The $65,000 Question to me remains: Just who was Kele? and what did he do with the picture and info that I sent him? Oh, well...<br/> |- | '''Josie Navarro''' <br/>5/8/2009 3:10:56 PM | Hi Don,<br/> <br/> I see the website has changed! That's good but do we still have access to the messages that were sent on the other website? Win had sent me some info and I did not save it anywhere else. <br/> <br/> Also, I want to send you the pictures of my Uncle's jacket. Do you want to give me your email address or how would I send it otherwise? Win wanted to see it too but I have has email address. <br/> <br/> Have you found an artist to do a jacket for you?<br/> <br/> I hope all is well at your end.<br/> <br/> Take Care,<br/> <br/> Josie 🙂 josiegn@hotmail.com<br/> |- | '''P Bellamy''' <br/>5/8/2009 4:25:51 PM | The "New" Forum is still open and active at<br/> <br/> [++ForumNew.MainPage|http://www.401stforum.com/forumhome/index.php]<br/> <br/> All the best,<br/> Paul<br/> |- | '''Jim Haire''' <br/>5/13/2009 10:35:39 AM | Respectfully, it doesn't matter to me if the "new" forum or website is still going or not. I've submitted a crew pic and crew info to this website, AND to the other website <nowiki>--</nowiki> and it's been posted at neither. I've even submitted it to 'Kele' in response to a request by her to her email that she sent me asking me for the pic, and still no response, and no explanation given as to why it hasn't been posted here. What once appeared to be 'the light at the end of the tunnel' has been slammed shut for some reason, and I don't understand why. It's apparent somebody else needs to do something.<br/> |- | '''Jackie''' <br/>5/13/2009 5:05:47 PM | Jim,<br/> <br/> I am sorry that you have experienced some of the same problems that many others have.<br/> <br/> The lack of communication has been a problem for some time. We are told there are changes coming soon and with that in mind I ask you not to give up just yet.<br/> <br/> There are several people trying very hard to get things changed as many have expressed their frustration with this problem and others.<br/> <br/> So Please hang in there for a while.<br/> <br/> Jackie<br/> |- | '''Jim Haire''' <br/>5/13/2009 5:11:00 PM | Thanks, I'll hang tough.<br/> |- | '''P Bellamy''' <br/>5/13/2009 7:35:40 PM | Dear Jim,<br/> <br/> My response was to address Josie's concerns that messages on the New Forum, i.e. the original replacement for this one, were possibly no longer available.<br/> <br/> The present status of THIS version of the forum and website appear to be a reinstated 2006 backup of the site, and nothing more.<br/> <br/> I would suggest that in the short term, and if nothing else to get it online and somewhere it can be found, a copy of the photo and crew info you have could be posted in the thread you started on the "new" forum, which has now been read over 1300 times.<br/> <br/> I gave up long ago trying to get anything added or updated on the main site, hence all my research results go directly to the new forum, where photos and links can be posted and found via any internet search engine.<br/> <br/> Respectfully yours,<br/> Paul<br/> <br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>5/18/2009 11:50:36 PM | Paste this url into you browser:<br/> <br/> [http://donald-byers.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=104:four-stars-in-the-window&catid=40:today-1&Itemid=82<br/>] |- | '''Jean Dawkins''' <br/>5/24/2009 1:52:43 PM | I was one of the first to register on the new web site, and even after repeated help from Ed I still cannot log on. I tried re-registering and am told that my information is already being used. At the very first I could get on, but except for a couple of times about six months ago I have been unable to log on. Don in Lubbock has tried repeatedly to help me as has Ed. Seems like some dark force is trying to strangle a great bunch of folks who have a lot of great info to share. <br/> <br/> Also, someone needs the ability to dump the spam that is again recurring on this site.<br/> |- | '''Ed Dana''' <br/>5/27/2009 11:14:33 PM | I'm still here to help, Jean. All ya gots to do is ask.<br/> <br/> Don't know how much longer that will be, though, since there's a new web master, I expect they'll come for my credentials on the new forum shortly.<br/> <br/> Take advantage while you can.<br/> <br/> One thing you have to understand, though. Rick is never going to be able to get rid of the spam on this forum except by manual means. This forum has inadequate protections to manage spam. The "new" forum, on the other hand, is properly designed to handle the spam issues.<br/> <br/> Two cents.<br/> <br/> Ed.<br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>5/28/2009 9:41:39 PM | If you notice there is only 1 spam message on this site as the others have been deleted.<br/> <br/> Don<br/> |- | '''Jean Dawkins''' <br/>5/29/2009 9:30:07 PM | Thank you to both Don and Ed for getting me back on the new forum, and thank you to the one who has this old forum cleaned up; I appreciate you guys!<br/> <br/> <br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>5/31/2009 12:39:29 PM | Well Jean Ed is the one that figured it out and the New Webmaster is the one that cleaned up the spam. I was just the messenger. Hopefuly the missing info will be back soon which I was able to clean up the spam on.<br/> <br/> Glad your back on the other forum.<br/> <br/> Don<br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>6/3/2009 10:07:11 PM | Jean<br/> I lost your e-mail address if you still have mine contact me. I want you to write an article about your Dad.<br/> <br/> Don<br/> |- | '''Jean Dawkins''' <br/>6/13/2009 10:53:55 PM | Hi Don!, I just today noticed your message or I would have responded sooner. My email address is dapawkings@sbcglobal.net; almost my name but not quite. Don't know how well I can write, but am interested in sharing my Dad's story. I also plan to re-scan his photos at a higher resolution. <br/> <br/> Take care!<br/> Jean<br/> <br/> |}
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