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{s:TopicNav|Problems With New Site|ForumOld.T0002|ForumOld.T2495|ForumOld.T2530|ForumOld.MainPage|ForumOld.T2538|ForumOld.T2570|ForumOld.T3755} {| class='ForumTopics' ! Posted By !! Comments |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>9/27/2006 9:13:55 PM | Regret there seems to be a problem in regestering on the site. I will try and work with Kele (by the way a Female)and see what the problem may be. I had a problem myself finally getting loged in as it made me inactive. There are some growing pains and we will get through them. But this new site will be even better than the old site. You must registor befor you can post. Also there are less than a hand full of people that may remove something from the forum posting. The only items that this will happen to is something that it offensive to the site and spam posting by some outsider. By making people registor spam's can be almost entirely eliminated. <br/> <br/> [http://www.401bg.org/401bgweb/forum_2.html<br/>] <br/> Donald Byers<br/> Lubbock, Texas<br/> |- | '''Clyde L. MIngs''' <br/>9/27/2006 10:29:33 PM | Several people have had problems. I think what it all boils down to is that for lo these many years we had a good, simple, AND RELIABLE SITE that was easy to use for all us mortals who are not "computer jocks". In fact, many of us are so 'computer illiterate' that we thought that "The Silicon Valley" was the space between the implants! All these un-needed bells and whistles is like trying to squash a gnat with a sledgehammer. I have viewed A LOT OF COMPLEX BOMB GROUP websites and their dismal fate was that people didn't enjoy easy access and lively discourse. Keep it simple and active.<br/> |- | '''Kele''' <br/>9/27/2006 11:08:15 PM | I will try and address some of the issues that have come up about the new forum -<br/> <br/> I am sorry that the first of you to register have experienced the growing pains of putting the new site online. <br/> <br/> The redesign of the site is a huge undertaking and I definitely appreciate everyone's patience while we work through any problems.<br/> <br/> While we performed testing prior to going live, I am sure that we will still uncover glitches and bugs in the days and weeks to come. <br/> <br/> I promise you that I will fix bugs and incorporate changes as quickly as possible.<br/> <br/> Those who encountered problems can testify that I responded to their emails in a timely manner. <br/> <br/> Ok, now that I have the apologies out of the way, let me answer some of the questions that have come up.<br/> <br/> The problem with the registration activation was mine - I set a flag for higher security, which inadvertently, required me to activate each user - that is now fixed - as soon as you are registered you can post - you will not have to wait for activation.<br/> <br/> Another question which was posted concerned having to enter your user name & password each time - <br/> <br/> This is a function of your browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, Safari, etc...) it is not something that forum itself does. If you want to save your login information make sure that the security settings in your browser will allow you to do so.<br/> <br/> Please also note that if you bookmarked the old home page you may get redirected to a commercial site (a function of our ISP) - the old bookmark for the home page is no longer valid - I'm sorry, but you will need to update that link to the new home page which is just <br/> <br/> [http://www.401bg.com<br/>] <br/> the index.asp has been deleted from the URL (link).<br/> <br/> I have also created a section on the "New" forum for reporting bugs and submitting comments & suggestions. <br/> <br/> Part of the reason for this new area: one member commented about a post being deleted. I was the one who deleted the post in question. The reason being it was not appropriate for the area in which it was posted and there wasn't an appropriate place for it to be posted. Now there is - Again, one of the growing pains.<br/> <br/> Let me assure you that there are only 3 people (moderators & administrators) who may delete posts. <br/> <br/> I would like to reiterate Don's sentiments - I know change is hard and not something we welcome cheerfully - but I think once we get everyone on the new forum it will prove to be an even more valuable tool for communication than it was before.<br/> <br/> Larry Cooper did a phenomenal job setting up the original 401st website & forum. Unfortunately, his work committments did not allow him to update things as our association's growth has required. The changes we are making are not intended to make anyone's life more difficult, but to hopefully enrich a visitors experience with our group.<br/> <br/> As an example, tonight I have put up on the site, the entire collection of photographs we purchased from the National Archives a few years ago. We have published some of these photos in the PFG but until tonight most have remained unseen by the membership. I hope you will take the opportunity to visit the Gallery and browse through the National Archives photos as well as those from the Nashville Reunion. <br/> <br/> I encourage you to submit your comments and suggestions to kele@401bg.com - or by using the "Contact us" link on the home page.<br/> <br/> Thanks for reading the whole post - I know I was a little long winded and promise to keep them shorter from now on -<br/> <br/> -Kele<br/> aka: webmaster, treasurer, managing editor PFG, George's computer troubleshooter, etc...<br/> |- | '''Edward N York''' <br/>9/28/2006 11:45:41 PM | A long time ago the 98thBb Gp set up this type of site and I rarely go there any more.This will probably happen to you because many of us are accustomed to the site we had.Frankly,I fail to understand why you didn't leave well enough alone.This new arrangement is cumbersome and for many of us unwieldly to use. I don't think I'll be checking this daily as I did the old site. Ed York<br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>9/29/2006 4:48:13 AM | Ed,<br/> Don't give up so easily we are trying to make the Forum and the site more managable and there is goring to go be some growing pains but I promise in the long run it is going to be a great site. We have actually grown out of the old site which was set up by Larry Copper and yes it was much more simplier for people to post to. When every thing is goin you will find that the new site will be so much better. Do not give up on us as the site will be more searchable than it has been in the past. We are trying to make it a better site than it was before and we need the people that would post to the net to answer questions. A loss of your input would be a loss to the site.<br/> <br/> Donald Byers<br/> Lubbock Texas<br/> <br/> |- | '''Jackie (Sharp) Sheflin''' <br/>9/29/2006 8:22:31 AM | Ed,<br/> <br/> The new site it very easy to navigate. The main change for the forum is just signing up. And Kele is doing a great job of helping anyone with any problems they are having.<br/> <br/> The amount of photographs now availble is amazing.To be able to look through them is priceless to those of us who were not a part of the 401st crews.<br/> <br/> Your imput as well as the input of others is so important to the site and I for one hope to learn more from each of you as time goes on.<br/> <br/> Please hang in there for all of us.<br/> <br/> <br/> Jackie<br/> <br/> Jack Sharp's daughter<br/> |- | '''Cody Dailey''' <br/>9/29/2006 1:11:25 PM | I agree with Don and Jackie.....please don't give up yet. Kele has been a huge help and it does get easier, I promise.<br/> |}
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