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Old Forum
{s:TopicNav|New forum--unable to post|ForumOld.T0002|ForumOld.T2489|ForumOld.T2520|ForumOld.MainPage|ForumOld.T2530|ForumOld.T2562|ForumOld.T3755} {| class='ForumTopics' ! Posted By !! Comments |- | '''Jackie''' <br/>9/26/2006 12:38:59 PM | I tried to register for new forum....not accepting my info I guess...this is difficult to figure out. Is the delay caused because each person must be varified first?<br/> <br/> <br/> Jackie<br/> |- | '''Cody Dailey''' <br/>9/26/2006 10:23:53 PM | I think there is a problem in the forum software. Send an email to kele@401bg.com and they will be able to enter your info in manually. <br/> <br/> I had trouble as well....the activation email that should have been sent was never received by me. I sent an email to the address above and was told that for whatever reason the registration process did not capture the password I had entered.<br/> <br/> It seems I can login now.<br/> <br/> I am guessing the old messages will not transfer over. Kind of a shame to lose all of those old posts.<br/> |- | '''Jackie (Sharp) Sheflin''' <br/>9/27/2006 6:47:56 AM | Cody,<br/> <br/> I have tried several times to register and access the new forum and I am giving up for now. I hope the problem will be worked out soon. I did write a note to forum admin. as you are right the activation does not work at this time.<br/> <br/> I do agree with you about all the email in the old forum. I truly hope there is a way to save or incorporate it into the new as there is a great deal of information there which would be a shame to lose. I often find myself browsing the messages looking for answers to questions I have.<br/> <br/> Jackie<br/> |- | '''Clyde LarryMings''' <br/>9/27/2006 5:03:09 PM | Have I been asleep? What is this NEW FORUM stuff all about? Clue the rest of us unwashed multitudes in on what is happening, so we can get with the program.<br/> |- | '''Cody Dailey''' <br/>9/27/2006 6:46:50 PM | My guess is you must have this forum queued up in your favorites to come to it each time. The 401st has acutally set up a new site, with a new forum (our B-17 that flys across the old home page is unfortunately gone now...sniff). However, if you manually type in www.401bg.com in your address bar, you will see the new site. It is a bit confusing and people (including me) have had trouble registering with the site, but it is there.<br/> <br/> From what I learned today, this forum with all of the old posts will be archived until they can import them all into the new format, but for now, we are starting from scratch.<br/> <br/> If you have trouble registering for the new site, email me and I will post on the new forums. In the alternative, you can try sending an email to kele@401bg.com as that is who helped me getting past some of the login bugs on the new site.<br/> |- | '''Cody Dailey''' <br/>9/27/2006 7:40:11 PM | I posted about your problem on the new forums, requesting help for you, but the new moderator/admin must have deleted my post about it. While it would be nice to keep the hacking posts off the forum, I am not sure that having someone on the admin side deleting legit posts is a great idea.<br/> <br/> I hope he at least contacted you to give you the help you need.<br/> |- | '''Jackie''' <br/>9/27/2006 7:53:35 PM | Cody,<br/> <br/> Kele did get me registered as a forum member but I am still having a few problems with automatically logging on and posting. I keep getting a message saying the name and password are not recognized. I tried emailing Kele on the forum and recieved an error message which I have already forwarded to Kele priavtely.<br/> <br/> I am sure it will take a while to work out the kinks in the new site and for use of the forum<br/> <br/> All new sites cause a few 'growing pains' that are remedied with time.<br/> <br/> Thank you for your help.<br/> <br/> Jackie<br/> |- | '''Edward N York''' <br/>10/5/2006 3:02:18 PM | I have tried several times to log in and have requested my pass word but to no avail. All I have gotten is a debug response and nothing further. Ed<br/> |}
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