401st Bomb Group (H) Association
The best damned outfit in the USAAF!
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Marty Bacon
6/15/2005 4:14:50 PM
Can anyone help me get information and/or photos of the aircraft Danellen, Aircraft 24432?   My Great Uncle Martin G Bacon Jr was a radio operator/top turret gunner on it and he and his crew last i think 3 missions before being shot down over France on December 20, 1942.   Also is it possible to get anyone of the crews' relatives/friends to send me email about the all 4 missions?  thank you.
Donald Byers
6/15/2005 9:44:55 PM
This aircraft belonged to the 91BG 401st Squadron and the B-17 nose art directory shows no picture is available.  You should try the 91BG's web page at


Don Byers
Marty Bacon
6/16/2005 10:25:16 AM
ok thank you very much.. do you know if there is a website for the 401st squadron?
Donald Byers
6/16/2005 12:10:43 PM
Not that I have located.  Just the 91st BG which has all the squadrons and have supplied that web page on last reply.
