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{s:TopicNav|The Careful Virgin|ForumOld.T0002|ForumOld.T0954|ForumOld.T0980|ForumOld.MainPage|ForumOld.T0988|ForumOld.T1019|ForumOld.T3755} {| class='ForumTopics' ! Posted By !! Comments |- | '''Valerie Conley McAlister''' <br/>6/26/2003 4:31:44 PM | On the "aircraft" page of this web site, there is a list of the group Aircraft. Although my father, Capt Joseph J. Conley, was the Group Gunnery Officer, when he was enlisted, he was a waist gunner on "The Virgin" and it was assigned to the 323rd Squadron of the 91st Bomb Group. At the time my father flew on The Careful Virgin, the pilot was Capt William Clancy. The serial number is 124639.<br/> <br/> I tried to send an e-mail to Don Byers and tried to send one to the webmaster, but they keep coming back so thought I would post here.<br/> <br/> If any of you have any pictures or stories of my father when he was with the 401st, I would appreciate hearing from you. My mother's sister destroyed just about every picture there was of him from WWII <nowiki>--</nowiki> she "didn't believe in war" was the story I got! Now my whole family has passed away except for my brother and sister, and I have no pictures.<br/> <br/> Thanks for all you do and keep up the great work! BTW <nowiki>--</nowiki> I have joined the association!<br/> <br/> Valerie Conley McAlister<br/> |- | '''Scott McElvain''' <br/>6/26/2003 7:17:46 PM | Don and I both have about the same info and play tag helping people out. From what I have, that serial number doesn't jive with any B-17s in the 401st. With serial numbers, there would be an understood 4 standing for the third digit of the year (194X) in front of the number, and the first number 1,2,3, or 4 actually appearing in the serial number would stand for whether it rolled out in 1941, 1942, 1943, or 1944. According to the booklet Bits and Pieces, there was only one 1941 B-17 in the group, and that was 41-9107 or 19107 which was in the 613th as IN-P, and in the 612th as SC-X. Can you reverify the serial number you gave?<br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>6/26/2003 8:18:42 PM | Not shure why my e-mails came back but my address is donald_byers@sbcgolobal.net <br/> <br/> 41-24639 Del Cheyene 9/9/42; Boise 16/9/42; wrecked on landing with broken crankshaft, rep; Cheyenne 11/10/42; assigned 91st BG, 332BS (OR-W) Bassingbourn 29/1/43; 2 SAD Lt Staughton 8/3/44; Transfered AFSC for Adhrodite Operations; I/Mimoyecques 4/8/44 "The Careful Virgin"<br/> <br/> Agree with Scott does't show any relationship to 401st Bomb Group.<br/> <br/> Don<br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>6/26/2003 8:53:49 PM | Well Scott I just looked in to the B-17 Nose Art Directory and it has this serial number in twice once for the 91st / 323SG and to Unknows Squadron with 401st Bomb Group. It could have passed through with out ever being on a mission and sent on but have no record of that.<br/> <br/> Don<br/> |- | '''Valerie Conley McAlister''' <br/>6/30/2003 1:36:29 PM | Then you guys need to look at your own web site. On the home page, there is a section called "Aircraft" over in the right hand column. When you click on that, down at the bottom are aircraft by name that they are asking for any info on. The Virgin is listed between Tantalizing Takeoff and The Shape. That is why I responded on here. The Virgin was never in any other squadron but the 323rd/91st BG and then the Aphrodite program so I don't know why it is there! But, if anyone on here remembers or has info on my Dad after he received his commission and became the Group Gunnery Officer for the 401st, I would love to hear from you! I have a copy of the Blue Book and his picture is in there.<br/> <br/> Valerie<br/> |- | '''Jack Reid''' <br/>6/30/2003 6:43:28 PM | check the section of the blue book that has the pictures of the backs of the flight jackets - "The Careful Virgin" appears on the back of one of the jackets -<br/> <br/> |- | '''Valerie Conley McAlister''' <br/>7/1/2003 3:05:05 PM | Thanks Jack! That is my Dad in that picture! I have found that particular picture in several websites. I was hoping to find some pictures with his face in them!<br/> <br/> Val<br/> |- | '''Melba Hixon''' <br/>7/1/2003 7:14:46 PM | Don -<br/> I have your e-mail as (donald_byers@sbcglobal.net). The error is an extra "o"inserted.<br/> |- | '''Scott McElvain''' <br/>8/22/2003 11:09:26 PM | Good eye, Jack.......<br/> |}
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