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Air Crews #9
{s:TopicNav|Crew photo duplicate for Hayes (612) and Thompson (614)|ForumNew.T1225|ForumNew.T1225|ForumNew.T1154|ForumNew.F17|ForumNew.T1146|ForumNew.T1125|ForumNew.T0014} {| class='ForumTopics' ! Posted !! Message |- | '''Byrnie''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>6/28/2013 10:11:35 AM | Hi there, On your site, the same crew photo is posted and marked "Duplicate" for R.S. Hayes [/Site/Search/photo.asp?pid=10122|http://www.401bg.org/Site/Search/photo.asp?pid=10122] and H. L. Thompson [/Site/Search/photo.asp?pid=10200]. I noticed that when right-clicking on Thompson, the file was named Hayes. Can you please elaborate (and sorry if it's something obvious I'm missing!). <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''donaldbyers''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/donaldbyers.jpg' /></div><br/>6/29/2013 3:11:04 PM | I will check this out, most likely it's just an error. Yes it was an error.<br/> <br/> <br/> Thanks Don <br/><br/>Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.<br/> |- | '''Byrnie''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>7/3/2013 9:19:32 AM | Don, Thanks for your reply. So there is no Thompson crew photo, or a different one than the one that is posted? <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''donaldbyers''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/donaldbyers.jpg' /></div><br/>7/3/2013 9:51:33 AM | Correct.... <br/><br/>Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.<br/> |- | '''donaldbyers''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/donaldbyers.jpg' /></div><br/>7/3/2013 11:14:22 AM | There is also a mistake in the Two Thompson Crews. H.L. Thompson is really R.L. Thompson, someone made a mistake. I will confirm and fix this. Also, have identified a photo that belongs to Mission 224 here [++c136571|http://www.401bg.org/Site/History/crew.asp?cid=136571]. I believe B.B. Dickson is front row second from left. Can anyone ID other's in the photo....<br/> <br/> Don <br/><br/>Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.<br/> |- | '''Byrnie''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>7/3/2013 12:15:18 PM | Thanks for looking into this and for the updates/corrections (and you mean R. B. Thompson?). Unfortunately, I can't make any identifications in the photo. Are you interested in the obituary of Harry Lewis Thompson (1922-1995) or is that something you would already have? It mentions his service in the 401st/614th and his military awards. <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''donaldbyers''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/donaldbyers.jpg' /></div><br/>7/3/2013 3:53:57 PM | When I looked at the loading list there are definatly two different Thompson crews. The photo is also a lead crew and taken after a Mission:<br/> <br/> Flying AC from the 398th Bomb Group 44-821214 (GH Ship) The serial number is in error no such serial. Most likely is 44-8214 from the 603rd BS, 398th BG....<br/> Pilot Lt. Harry L. Thompson 614th<br/> Co-Pilot Lt. Col. Delwyn E. Silver Group Hq.<br/> Nav Capt. Frank W. Ricks 614th<br/> GHN 2nd Lt. Lwwrence F. Crocker 398th BG<br/> B Capt. William P. Fulgin 614th<br/> MO 1st Lt. James Goodman 615th<br/> TGO Capt. Joseph J. Conley 614th<br/> Radio T/Sgt Joseph G. Mitchell 614th<br/> TT/Eng T/Sgt Beattie B. Dickson 614th<br/> WG S/Sgt Sterling S. Lawrence 614th<br/> <br/> Gee-H<br/> <br/> Main article: Gee-H (navigation)<br/> <br/> Later in the war Bomber Command desired to deploy a new navigation system not for location fixing, but to mark a single spot in the air. This location would be used to drop bombs or target indicators for strikes by other bombers. The Oboe system was already in use, which sent an interrogation signal from stations in the UK, "reflected" them from transceivers on the aircraft, and timed the difference between the two signals using equipment similar to Gee. However, Oboe had the major limitation that it could only guide a single aircraft at a time and took about 10 minutes to guide a single aircraft to its target. A system able to guide more aircraft at once would be a dramatic improvement.<br/> <br/> The result was a new version of the same basic Oboe concept, but reversed so that it was driven by the aircraft and reflected from ground-based transceivers. This would require equipment on the aircraft that could receive and measure the time difference between two signals. The re-use of the existing Gee equipment for this purpose was obvious. The new Gee-H system only required a single modification, the addition of a new transmitter that would send signals out for reflection from ground-based transceivers. With this transmitter turned off, the system returned to being a normal Gee unit. This allowed it to be used in Gee-H mode during attacks, and then Gee mode for navigation back to their home airfields. <br/><br/>Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.<br/> |- | '''Byrnie''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>7/3/2013 9:37:54 PM | Don, Thank you for the additional information. <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''donaldbyers''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/donaldbyers.jpg' /></div><br/>7/7/2013 6:06:08 PM | If you go to the photo you will see that I have identified the crew members correctly on the web site. I found it in an old issue of the PFG. [++c136571|http://www.401bg.org/Site/History/crew.asp?cid=136571].<br/> <br/> Don Glad I am able to help <br/><br/>Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.<br/> |- | '''Byrnie''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>7/9/2013 9:35:04 AM | Wonderful! Again, Don, thank you very much. Byrnie <img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/salute_smiley.gif' style='height: 1em; vertical-align: middle;' /> <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''donaldbyers''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/donaldbyers.jpg' /></div><br/>7/9/2013 12:05:25 PM | It's great when we can get the info in there!!! <img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/salute_smiley.gif' style='height: 1em; vertical-align: middle;' /> back at you!!!!! <br/><br/>Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.<br/> |}
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