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General Posts #235


3/21/2010 7:38:52 AM
Does anyone know WHY they chose to make a "Mary Alice" replica? Was there something special to her that I am not aware of? Did teh person responsible in givng the "OK" to make a replica, know someone on the Mary Alice? Or other? Or was it the "luck of teh draw"? Just pulled a name out of the hat, and said, OK, this is the one we are gonna make a replica of????

Paul, have a question for you... how is your "model" (the ACTUAL B-17 build you are part of) coming along? Looks like it has been awhile since last updated, so figured i would ask, as this seems to be a HUGE undertaking. So, how is she coming along?

Derrick Morris, Grandson of S/Sgt Engr/Top Turret William "Dale" Sartor, 615th BS 401st BG, "Mary Alice"
Paul Bellamy

3/21/2010 8:21:54 AM
Does anyone know WHY they chose to make a "Mary Alice" replica? Was there something special to her that I am not aware of? Did teh person responsible in givng the "OK" to make a replica, know someone on the Mary Alice? Or other? Or was it the "luck of teh draw"? Just pulled a name out of the hat, and said, OK, this is the one we are gonna make a replica of????

The chap who was in charge of her back in the 1980s told me it was because
a: The history of the original "Mary Alice" was well documented.
b: They has a number of photos of her.
c: They wanted a OD/Grey paint scheme to cover the amount of new metal they needed to replace.

Paul, have a question for you... how is your "model" (the ACTUAL B-17 build you are part of) coming along? Looks like it has been a while since last updated, so figured I would ask, as this seems to be a HUGE undertaking. So, how is she coming along?

Sorry Derrick, I'm not directly involved in the Urbana, OH rebuild, I just keep an eye on the website and occasionally post screen grabs of the progress.
You can follow the story at http://www.b17project.com/

Here's a couple of photo's off the project's website, from late last year, during the rebuild of the nose section:

Jig and frames in place:

Adding the skin:

Nearly done:

All the best,

Paul Bellamy


3/21/2010 8:33:25 AM
"Paul Bellamy":
(quote="MaryAlice")Does anyone know WHY they chose to make a "Mary Alice" replica? Was there something special to her that I am not aware of? Did teh person responsible in givng the "OK" to make a replica, know someone on the Mary Alice? Or other? Or was it the "luck of teh draw"? Just pulled a name out of the hat, and said, OK, this is the one we are gonna make a replica of????

The chap who was in charge of her back in the 1980s told me it was because
a: The history of the original "Mary Alice" was well documented.
b: They has a number of photos of her.
c: They wanted a OD/Grey paint scheme to cover the amount of new metal they needed to replace.

Paul, have a question for you... how is your "model" (the ACTUAL B-17 build you are part of) coming along? Looks like it has been a while since last updated, so figured I would ask, as this seems to be a HUGE undertaking. So, how is she coming along?

Sorry Derrick, I'm not directly involved in the Urbana, OH rebuild, I just keep an eye on the website and occasionally post screen grabs of the progress.
You can follow the story at http://www.b17project.com/

Here's a couple of photo's off the project's website, from late last year, during the rebuild of the nose section:

Jig and frames in place:

Adding the skin:

Nearly done:

All the best,

Well shoot, WHERE are all these photo's he was talking about!!!!! Hahahaha!! If he has access to some photo's, tell him we need them over here on the 401stforum!!!! LOL!!!!
Seriously though, would you happen to know what or where these photo's would be located and if they are accessible? You know how I feel about the Mary Alice, so if there are pics/info out there that I have not seen, wow, would be REALLY nice to see/read about.
I have tried doing a google search for Mary Alice (and is how I found this site) but it seems thier is only two (2) pictures that show up, over and over...the B&W taken of JUST the name in 1944 and the color shot of here @ IWM.
Now, of course, this site with the help of you and Don have been able to locate some other pics for me, 2 of which literally brought tears to my eye's.
Maybe because I am just not looking in the right places, or don't have access to the places where these pics/info is lcoated...either way, if there is info/pics out there on teh Mary Alice that I have not seen/read about, if there is a way for me to be able to do that, I can't extend enough thanks for providing it for me (not specifying just you Paul, I am addressing ANYONE that might have info on the Mary Alice)

The "project"...oh, I am sorry, I must have misread that thread you had started awhile back, as I thought that you were involved with it. Either way, thanks for the pics, sure is nice to be able to see that beauty coming together like that, she sure is BEAUTFIUL!!!!

Derrick Morris, Grandson of S/Sgt Engr/Top Turret William "Dale" Sartor, 615th BS 401st BG, "Mary Alice"

3/21/2010 2:33:03 PM

Further to Paul's insight I was told by a very good source that the author of 'Claims to Fame - B17 Flying Fortress' (check out the bibliography on the main website) has a very keen interest in 'Mary Alice' and as Paul said used his influence over the IWM. Also her reputation as the most battle damaged B-17 in the entire 8th Air Force may also have had a bearing on the descion, see also Keith Hills painting. My wife and I were standing on her exact dispersal slot at the airfield last week, brings a tingle down your spine when you do that sort of thing. Oh yeah and thats me stood with her in my signature picture 😃

Tally Ho


improvise, adapt, overcome

3/22/2010 9:07:44 AM

Further to Paul's insight I was told by a very good source that the author of 'Claims to Fame - B17 Flying Fortress' (check out the bibliography on the main website) has a very keen interest in 'Mary Alice' and as Paul said used his influence over the IWM. Also her reputation as the most battle damaged B-17 in the entire 8th Air Force may also have had a bearing on the descion, see also Keith Hills painting. My wife and I were standing on her exact dispersal slot at the airfield last week, brings a tingle down your spine when you do that sort of thing. Oh yeah and thats me stood with her in my signature picture 😃

Tally Ho


Dale, MANY thanks! I will be checking in with that info you provided. Question....Did you get any pics of where you were standing (dispersal)..SURELY you did?!?!?!?!?! If so, any pics that you can post up or email me logava @ yahoo.com would be GREATLY appreciated. And since I am getting tingly READING about where you were standing, I am sure teh sensation of ACTUALLY being there is a MILLION times more intense!!!!!!!
Thanks again Dale!

Derrick Morris, Grandson of S/Sgt Engr/Top Turret William "Dale" Sartor, 615th BS 401st BG, "Mary Alice"

3/22/2010 9:22:03 AM
Dale, I found the book you were referring to, "Claims to Fame-B-17 Flying Fortress", author Steve Birdsall and Roger A. Freeman...were you refering to these 2 individuals that might have some info on teh Mary Alice?

Derrick Morris, Grandson of S/Sgt Engr/Top Turret William "Dale" Sartor, 615th BS 401st BG, "Mary Alice"

3/22/2010 9:49:40 AM
Dale, I found what I believe is tha painting you were refering to by Keith Hill. I found his website, and the painting is of teh Mary Alice flying over a snow covered field. Is that the one?

I got his email address, and sent him an email askign him some questions, in hopes that he might have SOME info/pic/photo's of Mary Alice that I have not yet seen.
i also asked him IF that painting was done by a REAL photograph (I realize that it is probaly NOT, but did not hurt in asking) I also asked him some other questions, as well as if he had any other paintings of the Mary Alice, since that one has been sold. I would be interested in buying a painting like that, so I am hoping that he has another one, or a copy, or can do another one for me. We will see.
So, THANKS for the info.

And again, guys, I know I have been pretty clear on this, about my search on info/pics of Mary Alice, but if there is ANYTHING out there, that you know of, on teh Mary Alice, regardless of how "small" or "irrelevant" you may think it is, if it in ANYWAY has ANYTHING to do with Mary Alice/My grandpa, I want to read about/see it/know about it...NO info is too small or irrelevant to me, it is ALL relevant to me.

You guys have been just a tremendous help for me, and my quest, and if there is ANYTHING that I might be able to do in return, just ask.
Thanks again guys!!

Derrick Morris, Grandson of S/Sgt Engr/Top Turret William "Dale" Sartor, 615th BS 401st BG, "Mary Alice"

3/22/2010 1:05:15 PM

No photos of the dispersal as it is today as my eldest daughter has our camera which we should get back this week so standby. I believe if my memory isn't playing tricks that Roger Freeman is the man with the interest but I may be wrong. Also if you are out of luck with the painting then I'm sure someone over here may be able to pick one up at an airshow/1940's gathering or similar. A year or two back I was looking over some copies of the print at a Twinwood event but my wife didn't like the painting so I couldn't buy it 😢 Back then it was going for £40, not sure what that is in US money ‽ As with everyone else I'll do my best to help out.

Tally Ho


improvise, adapt, overcome

3/22/2010 1:33:26 PM

No photos of the dispersal as it is today as my eldest daughter has our camera which we should get back this week so standby. I believe if my memory isn't playing tricks that Roger Freeman is the man with the interest but I may be wrong. Also if you are out of luck with the painting then I'm sure someone over here may be able to pick one up at an airshow/1940's gathering or similar. A year or two back I was looking over some copies of the print at a Twinwood event but my wife didn't like the painting so I couldn't buy it 😢 Back then it was going for £40, not sure what that is in US money ‽ As with everyone else I'll do my best to help out.

Tally Ho


No problem with the camera/pics Dale, I understand, and of course in NO way would I want you to be put out or inconvenienced. So, if you can, great. If not, no biggie, I understand.
Roger Freeman huh? OK, will try and see what i come up with. On Keith hill's webiste, his painting was going for £55, which not sure what that mean in USD???

Couple months ago, was not 100% sure I was going to be able to attend the reunion in Savanah, I now know that unless some type of emergency comes up, I AM going for a few reasons. One, so I can see what it is all about. Two, so I can see what it is all about and three, so i can see what it is all about!!!!
I want to meet and greet all teh people responsible for putting something together so instrumental in keeping the memories alive of our loved one's that sacrficied so much for us!!

Thanks all for all teh help!!!!!

Derrick Morris, Grandson of S/Sgt Engr/Top Turret William "Dale" Sartor, 615th BS 401st BG, "Mary Alice"
Paul Bellamy

3/22/2010 1:39:46 PM
Sadly Roger Freeman passed away in 2005.

Paul Bellamy


3/22/2010 2:05:53 PM
"Paul Bellamy":
Sadly Roger Freeman passed away in 2005.

That is sad, very sorry to hear.

Derrick Morris, Grandson of S/Sgt Engr/Top Turret William "Dale" Sartor, 615th BS 401st BG, "Mary Alice"