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Air Crews #74
{s:TopicNav|CREW OF MICHAEL J KOCHEL|ForumNew.T1225|ForumNew.T0562|ForumNew.T0459|ForumNew.F17|ForumNew.T0427|ForumNew.T0364|ForumNew.T0014} {| class='ForumTopics' ! Posted !! Message |- | '''MPKOCHEL''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>2/3/2009 12:00:41 PM | MICHAEL J KOCHEL WAS MY DAD. HE WAS A PILOT IN THE 401ST. I CAME ACROSS A WEB PAGE A WHILE BACK THAT LISTED MY DAD'S CREW AND THE MISSIONS HE FLEW RIGHT DOWN TO THE AIRCRAFT NUMBERS. IS ANYONE FAMIILURE WITH THIS WEB PAGE AND DO THEY KNOW HOW TO GET THERE?<br/> <br/> SECOND QUESTION, HAS ANYONE EVER ASKED THE CORGI COMPANY WHICH MAKES DIECAST B17'S IN VARIOUS SCALES TO PAINT ONE UP WITH 401ST COLORS? MY BOSS GAVE ME A 1:144 SCALE MODEL OF A B17 DRESSED UP IN US COAST GUARD COLORS (ALSO YELLOW) AND THE COMPANY SEEMS TO HAVE A NUMBER OF BG's REPRESENTED. <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''EDanaII''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/EDanaII.jpg' /></div><br/>2/3/2009 12:33:04 PM | MPKOCHEL,<br/> <br/> I'm making the assumption the site you are referring to is the old 401st site which is down at the moment and only a handful know whether or not it will return. I maintain (just for fun) an updated version of the old site where you may find crew information. If you like, [http://edwardgdanaii.info:8000/401st/New/History/|go here] and you can find information about your father's crew. Select "Advanced Search," then enter your father's name in the "Last Name" field and press enter. You're father's crew should appear.<br/> <br/> As to your second question, it has been discussed, you can find that discussion [http://www.401stforum.com/forumhome/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=307|here] and the [http://www.401stforum.com/forumhome/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=319&p=854#p854|response] here. It's still unknown at this time whether or not the idea will ever be adopted.<br/> <br/> Hope that helps. <br/><br/><a href='/p2769.ashx'><img class='ForumMaxImgWidth' src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/wmSig401st150p.gif' /></a><br/> <br/> |- | '''jshepherd5''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>1/19/2010 5:33:12 PM | I was a Pilot in the 613th Sqdn., 401st Bomb Group, from the end of November 1944, until the war ended on VE Day.<br/> I had been trained for all my in state combat duty flying B-24 four engine bombers, but was assigned to the 401st when I arrived in England....not knowing anything about the B-17 I had to undergo full retraining and it was during the coldest winter ever in the UK...snow and ice covered the airfield and it was hard for me to learn to taxi this new airplane since the B-24 had a tricycle gear and drove like a truck....anyway, Maj. Locher was Operations Officer of the 613th sqdn and he was very patient and taught me all about the B-17. He thought I was ready to fly a mission by January 1st, 1945 and I was assigned to fly co-pilot with Capt. McGoldrick's crew...I flew another mission as co-pilot on the Tausig crew on January 7th and then Maj. Locher felt I was ready to take my own crew on the next mission.....from then on I flew as Pilot with my own crew flying most of my missions in a plane I named "Bottle Baby".....Early in the year 1945, your Dad, Mike Kochel was assigned to the 613th Sqdn. as Assistant Operations Officer.....when the war ended and we were prepared to return to the states, your Dad was assigned to fly as my co-pilot in "Bottle Baby" across the Atlantic, landing in Wales, Iceland, GooseBay, Labrador and then on into USA at Bradley Field, Connecticut. Your Dad was a real nice guy and He and I got along well. I saw him a couple times later on at Sioux Falls, SD where the 401st regrouped after some leave time. We were supposed to go on to B-29 transition for the attack on Japan, but the Atom bomb put a stop to that. <br/> <br/> I heard quite a bit about your father's football career at Fordham where he was quite famous. I live in North Carolina, am now 86 years old. My wife and I attend all the 401st reunions...I'm still on the Board of Directors. <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''donaldbyers''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/donaldbyers.jpg' /></div><br/>1/19/2010 8:20:26 PM | You can find "Baby Lu" diecast with panel at this url [http://www.fantasticflyers.com/baby-cs90359-p-369.html] and is the only one I have found.<br/> <br/> Jack thanks for posting your personal knowledge on this.<br/> <br/> Don Byers<br/> Group Historian <br/><br/>Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.<br/> |}
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