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General Posts #338
{s:TopicNav|Dues, Do-s; Don'ts & re-deaux|ForumNew.T1369|ForumNew.T0426|ForumNew.T0409|ForumNew.F01|ForumNew.T0404|ForumNew.T0394|ForumNew.T0005} {| class='ForumTopics' ! Posted !! Message |- | '''win-win''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>12/5/2008 11:13:07 AM | Art (and Board):<br/> Got my 2009 Dues letter today, a bargain at any price. But to Art and the Board:<br/> - - DO support the 8th & Savannah Museum; but if you're talking contributions like that;<br/> - - DON'T keep forsaking your own 401at Web-site and Forum. To continue ignoring this Web-site's problems is, in fact, as you put it, 'failing to come through on your committments'- Especially to your fellow Vets who are both fewer and less able to travel.<br/> - - (over)DUE is a 'welcoming' and 'functional' Web-site; In particular for Vets' and their 1st-person witness and stories...now, in order to have that 'story to tell' in the future.<br/> - - Re-deaux: Your (and the Board's) 'silence' since August about the Web-site - the 401st's front-door to the World, literally - is not patience, it's now neglect.<br/> So Art what are you and the Board going to do about the Web-site...now. The PFG is an ideal place for your statement. I am sure both 'old timers' and 'new timers' are interested in your answer (and action).<br/> <br/> Regards,<br/> Win Bryson <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''donaldbyers''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/donaldbyers.jpg' /></div><br/>12/5/2008 11:31:49 AM | To Win,<br/> <br/> We have made gains in just the past week and the site is back up and is now on an actual IP server. If you happen to go to the old site you are now greeted with and Up Date Your Link page put in place by Ed Dana who is now and Admistrator for the site. You will see things starting to come togeather. You can also see that I am a Global Monitor now which I wasn't before. There is more to come and please give us the chance to continue in the best interest of patrons of the 401st Bomb Group. You can direct your comments to Ed and I in the future.<br/> <br/> Thanks Don <br/><br/>Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.<br/> |- | '''win-win''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>12/5/2008 6:56:46 PM | Don:<br/> <br/> Yes - you, Ed Dana (and others) deserve great recognition for your efforts and 'progress'. But I believe even you must agree it's fair to say there's a long row to hoe before this Web-site is 'welcoming' and 'functioning'.<br/> <br/> The question remains, where's the Association leadership support (to support you)? It remains for Art (and Board) to come out from 'behind the curtain' and formally:<br/> - - Acknowledge the value and importance of the Web-site;<br/> - - Acknowledge its problems, and<br/> - - Document their support (i.e. policy) for its development and maintenance (and before rushing all the Association resources out the door).<br/> <br/> This Association is bubbling over with talent and interest to 'get it done', but <br/> MIA leadership 'cripples' even the best troops' efforts. It remains in Art's (and Board's) court to 'stand-up'. The next PFG would do nicely.<br/> <br/> Win <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''Phoenix''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>12/6/2008 3:55:37 AM | Guys,<br/> <br/> I'm going off at tangent here, but after Graham reporting to us about the 8th/Savannah business I'm not 100% sure there will be an Association in two years time, frightning, don't give up your independance.<br/> <br/> Tally Ho<br/> <br/> Dale <br/><br/>improvise, adapt, overcome<br/> |- | '''EDanaII''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/EDanaII.jpg' /></div><br/>12/6/2008 9:11:56 AM | I doubt that the 401st will disappear. It might not be able to support itself as an organization, but it could still remain a collection of people who share a common interest. <br/> <br/> @ Win<br/> <br/> I had a good talk with Lee at the beginning of the week. He is committed to the web site and receptive to input from others. As to documenting support, I've got him interested in the possibility of a Charter. I will be trying to put something together shortly. The Charter would spell out the rules for maintaining the web site and determining what is acceptable content and what is not. If this works out, the charter could be extending to other things. <br/><br/><a href='/p2769.ashx'><img class='ForumMaxImgWidth' src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/wmSig401st150p.gif' /></a><br/> <br/> |- | '''win-win''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>12/6/2008 3:19:03 PM | 'Trust but verify" - Ronald Reagan: <br/> @ Phoenix - Unfortunately, I fear you're spot-on (and not 'off at tangent'):<br/> - - Before one nickel leaves the 410st Association's 'assets' column, an outside audit and statement of the '8th & Savannah committments' (that Lee, Art and the Board approved) is owed to the Association Membership - for review, comment and approval. <br/> - - To 'approve' an outflow of 150% of the Associations $ resources, without prior Association membership (notification, review, comment and) approval, is irresponsible, and Art's 'oh, by the way' comments, on the back of the annual letter is insufficient as either 'request'; 'notification', 'membership approval' or 'justification'.<br/> - - '8th and Savannah' support is a good thing, but not by 'emptying' the 401st's treasury - plus 'committing to' 50% more above that - without even knowing into who's pockets all these resources will flow and for what (value added) result.<br/> Before Lee, Art and the Board 'take the money and run', leaving the 'Association' high-and-dry as only 'a collection of people who share a common interest', connected by only a Web-site', they should document how they are NOT failing "to come through on their committments" - to their 401st Association and Members - and mostly, their fellow Vets. <br/> I would love to be proven wrong, and that the Association isn't being destroyed. Lee, Art, Board....you're up - so what's up? Association Members NEED to know (and before that nickel leaves Association accounts).<br/> <br/> <br/> @Ed - Lee's 'committed and receptive to input from others' is a good start. But what's really needed is a documented (or chartered) Web-site/Forum 'statement of purpose and goals' like:<br/> - - Facilitating easy access and registration (our 401st's on Vets can't register or post);<br/> - - Encouraging 401st Vets 1st person history and kin participation (the membership form couldn't be downloaded); <br/> - - Attracting new membership (and interest-base, world-wide);<br/> - - Adding to 401st History knowledge base (like where the Combat Mess, Briefing Room, Armory etc were);<br/> - - Annotating known 'static records' with related info and sources (without altering the original records);<br/> - - Posting 401st archive photos, besides the National Archives' collection (for help in identifying who, when where);<br/> - - Purging (and preventing further) SPAM;<br/> - - Integrating the 'Old Forum' knowledge-base into 'current Forum' search categories; and<br/> - - Yes, how and who determines 'acceptable content' should be included, too. <br/> With 'purpose and goals' in-place, everyone's efforts can actually be in the same direction (and effective).<br/> <br/> Done now. It's up to Lee, Art and the Board.<br/> <br/> For the Vets, livi9ng and beyond,<br/> Win <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''EDanaII''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/EDanaII.jpg' /></div><br/>12/6/2008 5:13:19 PM | With regards to a charter, in the words of Darth Vader, "Leave that to me..."<br/> <br/> OK, don't leave it solely to me, you post some good ideas about what should go on the charter, so let's open it up to others who are interested. What would you like to see on a charter? A charter is effectively like the U.S. Constitution, except in this case it would be for the web site. Think in terms of some of the points Win listed: help for vets, spam control, purpose and goals.<br/> <br/> Bear in mind that some of the points you raise apply to the Group as a whole, rather than a Web Charter. Their good points to remember later if the 401st decides to adopt a charter, but for the purposes of this web site, out of my control. 🙂<br/> <br/> So, does anyone else have any thoughts on those, or any other, points? <br/><br/><a href='/p2769.ashx'><img class='ForumMaxImgWidth' src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/wmSig401st150p.gif' /></a><br/> <br/> |- | '''Phoenix''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>12/7/2008 8:06:14 AM | Well, my alarm is focused on what has happened to the 303rd. We have a 303rd vet. who retired here in the UK and is a member of our church, he was against the 303rd winding up and fealt it should soldier on. As you may know they threw thier lot in with "The 8th HS" and have been swallowed up, now I believe interested individuals are trying to reserect a new association of interested parties, so I reckon there is a lesson hear that needs to be heeded.<br/> <br/> Tally Ho<br/> <br/> Dale <br/><br/>improvise, adapt, overcome<br/> |- | '''win-win''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>12/7/2008 2:42:07 PM | Precisely, Phoenix:<br/> <br/> On this 'While we Slept' day, will the 401st, ironically, ignore clear warnings?<br/> - - Wasn't opening membership to non-Vets to perpetuate the Association?<br/> - - Isn't 'interest' in the 401st by 2nd-gen kin and non-kin alike increasing? And<br/> - - Isn't the Web-site the 401st's 'face' and 'entry portal' to the World?<br/> <br/> So, Lee, Art (& Board) - Please Stand-Up & Speak-Up:<br/> - - What are your 401st plans to perpetuate the Association...or not? And,<br/> - - What are your 401st plans to support the Web-site/Forum...or not?<br/> <br/> As Vet and non-vet Association members alike await,<br/> <br/> Win <br/><br/><br/> |}
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