401st Bomb Group (H) Association
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Jackie Sharp Sheflin

1/27/2008 8:29:31 AM
My Dad's usual plane was the "D Day Dottie" and I do have a picture of that plane. I am now trying to find a picture of 44-6129.

To the best of my knowledge this plane never had a name, but it was the plane they were in the day they were shot down (July 19th, 1944 on a mission to Augsburg) The made it to the vicinity of Angers, France where they were attacked by 7 ME-109

David Pearce

1/27/2008 2:04:42 PM

Unfortunately I cannot help regarding a photo of the aircraft .

The only information I can offer is that this aircraft was assigned to the 613th Bomb Squadron on the 7th June 1944 so was with the 401st for a very short time, approx a month and a half.

Sorry I cannot be of more help.

Best of luck in your search.




3/13/2008 3:17:03 PM
1. Have you contacted the National Archives about A/C 44-6129? I'm not sure how many ways their photos are now indexed or cross-referenced, but the more you can give them, the more likely a 'hit' - and they reply, regardless;
2. Is your 'D-Day Dottie' photo one of the National Archives' photos (or other source)? I'm interested in a print or scan regarding the 1st.Lt. A.J. Nelson Crew's 9-30-44 Munster Mission aboard.


3/13/2008 6:36:53 PM
Pictures are indexed by "Nickname"........


Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.