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4/4/2013 5:23:21 PM
Hi guys

I am trying to identify crew member photos but I need some help.
Could someone tell me if there are special signs, things I have to look for to see what kind of task someone has on the plane ?
After looking closely at the photos I see a couple of things com back on every new photo like

- on most photos only one crew member has a whistle ?
- I see different glasses ( goggles )
- I noticed different hats, caps and emblems

Etc etc, I hope you know what I mean, for example how do I recognize a bombardier or pilot or......


My adoption graves http://www.remember-our-heroes.nl/us_401stBG.htm
Paul Bellamy

4/4/2013 6:24:02 PM
To be honest Andy, unless the photo is of a high-enough quality to be able to see the different types of aircrew wings, it's just an educated guess... 🙂

Pilots, Copilots, Bombardiers (not toggliers), Navigators and certain extra specialist positions tended to be "Officer Country", the others in the crew usually being Enlisted Men.
There are subtle differences in uniform, other than the obvious rank insignia if being worn. For example, if "crusher"-style caps are being worn by those in the photo, the Officers have a different badge than EMs (EM's cap badge in that case being circular). There were different patterns of flight clothing available too, but unless they were actually issued on the day then that doesn't help a whole lot.

If it would help I'm more than happy to go through some assorted crew photos with you to identify these clues as best we can.

All the best,

Paul Bellamy


4/4/2013 6:39:15 PM
That would be great Paul, but we are talking about ca 66 unidentified crew photos....

The things I mentioned, the whistle, goggles, dont ring a bell ?


My adoption graves http://www.remember-our-heroes.nl/us_401stBG.htm
Paul Bellamy

4/4/2013 6:52:29 PM
Goggles, whistles, gloves, etc. were standard items of flight gear, and would only depend on what was available for issue and to a lesser extent the wearer's personal style I'm afraid.

As an example, let's look as NARA/USAF photo 65435AC:

Crew 23 of the 613th Bomb Squadron, 40st Bomb Group, under the wing of a Boeing B-17 "Flying Fortress" at an 8th Air Force Base in England, 1 January 1945.

The back row are all Officers, a Captain on the left and the rest are all 1st or 2nd Lieutenants. Note the black plastic whistle attached to the zipper pull on the B-10 jacket of the chap on the far right.
The front row are likely to be EMs, the one of the left certainly is due to the circular cap badge (which he shouldn't have been wearing. That style of headgear had been banned for EMs by the start of 1945... ;))

Paul Bellamy


4/4/2013 6:59:02 PM
Okay Paul, thats clear talk to me.
So it will be much more difficult then I hoped for.... too bad, but thank you for the excellent explanation !!

Its such a shame that more then 60 crews are unidentified... but I won't give up


My adoption graves http://www.remember-our-heroes.nl/us_401stBG.htm
R.B. Baker

6/16/2013 10:50:29 PM
The interesting fact about this post is that my father is third from the left in the top row in the shown photo 65435AC
Lt K.A. Baker. He appears in photo 65778AC with his crew as well. I was looking though the crew photos earlier and came across the photo, as I had never seen it before.
There are some common crew members between the 2 photos and in the one pictured above more brass. I can see a Captain and another lt. and the fellow
standing behind dad seems a bit older as well.


6/17/2013 1:41:42 AM
Wow thank you, you just identified at least the crew name, thats great !!
The names of the other men on photo 65778AC are unknown, could you tell me who your dad is on that photo too ?
Thank you !!


My adoption graves http://www.remember-our-heroes.nl/us_401stBG.htm
R.B. Baker

6/17/2013 8:33:10 AM
Dad is top row 3rd from the left.
There are some common crew members on the photo to 65778AC however I don't know who is who. Don Byers said the man first from the left is Harry Slater. I'm going to look at
my fathers copy of that photo and see if there is a listing of the crew members. It was interesting to see the photo I had never seen, especially on Father's day.


6/17/2013 8:42:01 AM
Thats great, on Fathers Day !!

So both photos your dad is 3 from left ?
Okay hope you find some more info that would be great !
Thank you


My adoption graves http://www.remember-our-heroes.nl/us_401stBG.htm
R.B. Baker

6/17/2013 8:49:24 AM
no, on 65778 he is top left wearing the Mae West....on the above photo he is 3rd from left


6/17/2013 9:39:47 AM
O.K. Thank you, thats clear


My adoption graves http://www.remember-our-heroes.nl/us_401stBG.htm

6/20/2013 8:53:51 AM
In this photo he is 2nd from left in front row.

Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.

6/20/2013 9:50:25 AM
Which photo Don ?


My adoption graves http://www.remember-our-heroes.nl/us_401stBG.htm

6/21/2013 12:56:45 PM
The one on this post Harry is second from left. The one that is on the website under the crew he is 1st on left.


Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.

6/21/2013 1:24:27 PM
Sorry Don, The one that is on the website under the crew he is 1st on left.
the first on the left is K.A Baker, he is wearing the mae west vest....?


My adoption graves http://www.remember-our-heroes.nl/us_401stBG.htm

6/21/2013 2:42:56 PM
Andy, if you look at the photo on the crew page and look at the photo here on this topic the two on the left are switched around in there position on the front row. In the both photo's the one that is not wearting the saucer cap(with the bill) is Harry Slater.


Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.